From Tunisia

Hi, now im in Tunisia and are sitting on a internet cafe. I dont have all the right letters so I thought that I could practise my english.

Unfortunately my mobile internet doesnt work here, so you need to have patience til I get home on friday for a more detailed update, and for the pictures.

Dilf have promised to put up a picture later today that I have send him, and to write something funny, so I hope he keeps that promise.

But everything is fine here except for the wether, but we have a nice time anyway. For example I beat Chantalle on bowling yesterday - that felt good.

That was all for now. Take care.

Postat av: AI

Alt + 0229

Alt + 0228

Alt + 0246

2009-04-13 @ 16:02:37
Postat av: ;)

"Dilf have promised" feeeeeel

"Dilf HAS Promised" :P

2009-04-15 @ 14:24:56
Postat av: Joseph

Alltså du är ju kung på engelska... Du har fan i mig blivit så mycket bättre än när vi satt och skrev brevet till PBI :) och detta trots att skolan inte hjälp dig på traven... det kanske är överskatttat med skola trots allt. Hoppas ni har det bra där borta. Hörs när du kommer hem !

2009-04-15 @ 15:16:28

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